NAVRANG CUBE is a simple playing cube composed of 27 identical cubes of 9 different colours ( 3 cubes of same colour) . The cube has hole in 5 sides and a connector in one side so as to hold on the other cube. When seen , it resembles like the Rubic cube but is very different in nature and composition . All the 27 cubes in this can be disassembled . The main motive of this cube is to make a Bigger cube with no two same coloured cubes in same side of face.....
for those who have not tried this fun yet or those who doesn't have this cube at home.. for them I have come up with this flash player game.
<<<<navrang game online>>>>
When we solve NAVRANG cube , we get into the problems faced and try to solve them. Literally speaking we try to fit every colour into one side of the face of the NAVRANG. As the different cubes are arranged in single face of NAVRANG , so in case of an Organisation every individual is assigned a proper job and function to deliver. Any blocks misplaced will effect the whole NAVRANG , so the same case happens in organisation also. If a person doesnot perform his duty timely and efficiently , the organisation may not work.As the colours of the rainbow or here the NAVRANG Cube each strata or division of an Organisation should be made up of different types of people so that the organisation structure is holistic and multidimensional.
So for an Organisation to work efficiently , all the persons should work in their specified divisions without any clashes. This will make the organisation look like NAVRANG Rainbow .
nice article