Saturday, 3 August 2013


From childhood onward till date we are taught that Unity Is Strength, but have we ever paid attention that how does this unity or the team work helps us to face bitter challenges of life.

But does this only depend on UNITY or TEAM WORK.
The answer is no, It also depends upon how the work is executed and proper and equal contribution from each and every individual in group.

Valley crossing is a simple 9 step process where 3 people cross over a valley with the support of a straight pole. And as a manager i have to come up with a plan to make it possible.Everybody knows that teamwork is one of the major foundations to success. One can only reach so far on his/her own. The beauty of teamwork is that a goal can be reached faster, more efficiently, and the skill sets of each team member can be fully utilized. 

Further explanation of the method is given in the figure below....


Factors on which Success depends.

Trust: It is one of the most important factor for the activity. There are half risky and risky states where the individual needs to trust and depend on the other 2 person. Similarly for any other group activity trust plays a very vital role.

Share of Responsibility: At all the positions while crossing everyone shared equal responsibility. At no time was any person more responsible for a success/failure than the other one and this defines why they had success in the end.

COORDINATION : Nothing would have been possible unless there was coordination at place. If they had lost a single bit of coordination  at any point then the whole idea would have failed. Similarly in our business world we need to coordinate things properly. If not done well the whole thing could go haywire resulting in utter failure of the concept in spite of hard work.This coordination should be there all throughout the hierarchy of the organization .

This is how we can achieve 6 sigma in a company by proper management and planning .
We need proper innovation timely which can reduce the cost of production and can increase the production. So this blog helps us to understand how to reach 6 sigma and use the present inventories wisely .

1 comment:

  1. Nicely arranged and shown. hopeful to find some more blogs on it...
    with regards
    R Pandey
